Sanctuary during sermon

Order of Worship

A very important part of our thankful living is our worship on Sunday mornings and evenings. The goal of our worship is to glorify God, not ourselves. In the Bible, God teaches us how to worship Him in a way that reflects His holiness and the joy of His salvation. God commands us to worship Him only as He has instructed. This is referred to as the Regulative Principle.

We give praise and thanks to God by singing. We cast our concerns upon Him in prayer. We read the Bible and listen to the Lord instruct and teach us. Although many view this style of worship as old-fashioned, we believe the Bible teaches us something different -- namely that through faithful preaching, God speaks to us and gives us faith.

Our worship services reflect our relationship with God. In every relationship, there is communication and dialogue and our worship displays that. God speaks through the Bible and the minister and we respond in song and with our offerings.

Below are aspects and descriptions of our morning worship services.

Welcome - An elder welcomes everyone to the worship service and we sing a song of preparation.

Prayer of Invocation - The minister opens with corporate prayer, asking God to ready His people to worship in spirit and in truth. 

Call to Worship - God is the one who calls us to worship. The minster, as God’s representative in worship, demonstrates from Scripture that God invites and commands us into His presence.

Greeting of Our God - The minister proclaims God’s greeting to us, through the apostolic blessing of grace and peace.

Hymn of Praise - We respond to God’s greeting by singing a song of praise.

Reading of God’s Law - The minister reads the 10 Commandments to us, reminding us how we have sinned, broken God’s covenant, and need Jesus Christ as our Savior.

Hymn of Confession - We respond by singing a song of confession and plea for God’s mercy.

Assurance of Pardon - The minister assures us of God’s forgiveness, so long as we repent of our sins and trust in Jesus Christ alone for our salvation.

Congregational Prayer - The minister prays to God, including words of praise, thanksgivings, confession of sins, and petitions.

Hymn of Preparation - The congregation sings a song before the preaching of God’s Word.

Sermon - The central part of our worship. The minister reads from Scripture and teaches its meaning and application to our lives. The goal of preaching is to glorify God, encourage the believer, and convict the unrepentant of their sin and need of God’s forgiveness.

Hymn of Response - We respond to God’s Word by singing a song of praise.

Offering - We respond to God’s gift of salvation by the giving of our tithes and offerings.

Doxology - We sing a closing hymn of praise.

Benediction - The minister proclaims God’s blessing upon us as we head into a new week.

Our evening services follow a similar structure, with the addition of a Confession of Faith by way of an ecumenical creed (such as the Apostles Creed). We also read a Psalm in lieu of reading God’s Law.

We welcome all guests and visitors to our worship services. If you have any questions about our church or the way we worship, please contact us. We would love to hear from you!



130 West Corning Road, Beecher, IL 60401

Mailing Address

PO Box 729, Beecher, IL 60401



Sunday Worship Services

Worship: 9:30am and 5:00pm
Sunday School & Catechism Classes at 11:00am



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